Nord Vietnam hors des sentiers battus - 8 jours 7 nuits

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      1. TRIP STARTS
        19 Mar 2025
      2. TRIP ENDS
        26 Mar 2025

Code du voyage: GDT06F
Durée: 8 jours 7 nuits
  • Jour 1: Hanoi - Sapa (L/D)
    • Votre guide et votre chauffeur viendront vous chercher vers 7h30 pour un trajet de 5 heures en voiture jusqu'à Sapa. Asseyez-vous, détendez-vous et profitez du paysage qui évolue d'une métropole animée à des collines ondulantes et des rizières à perte de vue.
      Vers midi, vous arriverez à Sapa où vous pourrez savourer un déjeuner local. Puis, pour votre première excursion, vous emprunterez le plus long téléphérique d'Asie, partant de la ville de Sapa jusqu'au sommet le plus élevé d'Asie du Sud-Est, le Fansipan, autrefois connu sous le nom de « Toit de l'Indochine ». Le point culminant de la montagne atteint 3 143 mètres d'altitude.
      L'ascension en téléphérique dure environ 30 minutes, offrant en chemin une vue imprenable sur les rizières en terrasses à perte de vue. Une fois arrivé, vous pourrez visiter les temples et terminer l'ascension à pied, par 600 marches seulement, ou en funiculaire avant de retourner en voiture à Sapa pour une nuit dans un hôtel.

      Il est recommandé d'apporter une veste car la température baisse et le vent souffle à cette altitude.

      Plus d'infos ici: Trekking in Sapa
      Lao Chai to Ta Van Village
      Lao Chai to Ta Van Village
  • Jour 2: Trek autour de Sapa (B/L/D)
    • Aujourd'hui, cette escapade hors des sentiers battus au Vietnam vous invite à une randonnée à travers les rizières d'Ý Linh Hồ, les vallées fleuries et les villages Hmong noir, nichés dans les montagnes offrant des panoramas spectaculaires. Vous visiterez une maison locale pour rencontrer les villageois et découvrir leur quotidien. Après un déjeuner dans un restaurant local, vous continuerez votre chemin à travers les rizières en terrasse jusqu'aux villages de Lao Chai et Ta Van, habités par le peuple Giay, pour découvrir leur culture. Cette vallée est la plus grande et présente les rizières en terrasse les plus impressionnantes de tout Sapa. Vous dînerez et passerez la nuit dans une maison d'hôtes à Ta Van.
      Randonnée de 15 à 17 km.
      Off the beaten tracks North Vietnam
      Off the beaten tracks North Vietnam
  • Jour 3: Sapa - Ha Giang (B/L/D)
    • Aujourd'hui, nous quittons Sapa pour la dernière frontière du Vietnam : Ha Giang. En route, nous ferons une halte à Pho Rang pour déjeuner avant de partir en balade à Vinh Yen, habité par les communautés Tay.
      Nous poursuivrons notre route plus profondément dans Ha Giang, en profitant des paysages spectaculaires le long du chemin, avant d'atteindre finalement le village Tay pour une autre promenade. Nous arrivons vers 18 heures, juste à temps pour un dîner fait maison. Vous passerez la nuit dans une maison sur pilotis traditionnelle Tay.
      Randonnée de 6 à 8 km.
      Off the beaten tracks North Vietnam
      Off the beaten tracks North Vietnam
  • Jour 4: Ha Giang - Dong Van (B/L/D)
    • Après avoir obtenu le permis obligatoire au bureau d'immigration (nous nous en occupons), vous commencerez votre voyage vers Dong Van en suivant une série spectaculaire de cols qui serpentent à travers les montagnes et les vallées. En route, vous profiterez de vues exceptionnelles sur le paysage vallonné et d'une flore et d'une faune intéressantes. Ensuite, nous déjeunerons dans la petite ville de montagne de Tam Son, en visitant les villages des H'mong Lung Cam B. Vous aurez l'occasion de voir l'ancien palais du roi H'mong, Vuong Chinh Duc, allié des Français. Vous arriverez à Dong Van vers 18h00 où vous dînerez dans un restaurant local et passerez la nuit dans un hôtel.

      Tenterez-vous le Ha Giang Loop ?
      Off the beaten tracks North Vietnam
      Off the beaten tracks North Vietnam
  • Jour 5: Dong Van - Meo Vac - Cao Bang (B/L/D)
    • Vous commencerez la journée par un petit-déjeuner et une visite au marché de Dong Van, où les habitants des villages environnants viennent acheter et échanger les produits de première nécessité qu'ils ne peuvent pas produire eux-mêmes.
      Ensuite, vous randonnerez jusqu'à la forteresse de Pu Lo, construite en 1890 et évacuée en 1945. De là, vous pourrez profiter de vues spectaculaires sur toute la région, avant de gravir 8 km jusqu'au sommet du col de Ma Pi Leng, à travers un gigantesque labyrinthe de pics calcaires, de forêts de pierre et de canyons (le Chemin du Ciel au point de vue de la rivière Nho Qué) avant de descendre dans la vallée de Meo Vac. En serpentant à travers la vallée, nous atteindrons finalement le village de Bao Lac, où nous nous reposerons un moment et déjeunerons avant d'être conduits à Cao Bang où vous passerez la nuit dans un hôtel.
      -8-10 km de trek
      Off the beaten tracks North Vietnam
      Ma Pi Leng Pass
  • Jour 6: Cao Bang - Chutes de Ban Gioc (B/L/D)
    • Ce jour sera sans doute le point d'orgue de votre voyage. Nous vous emmènerons à l'une des merveilles naturelles les plus incroyables du Nord Vietnam : la cascade de Ban Gioc. Après un trajet de deux heures depuis Cao Bang, vous découvrirez cette cascade de 300 mètres de large, située à la frontière sino-vietnamienne. Vous pourrez vous détendre, prendre des photos et même faire un tour en bateau pour approcher les chutes.
      Ensuite, nous explorerons la grotte de Nguom Ngao, puis nous rejoindrons le village Nung de Quang Uyen. Vous serez accueillis par un forgeron local et passerez la nuit dans une maison traditionnelle.
      Off the beaten tracks North Vietnam
      Off the beaten tracks North Vietnam
  • Jour 7: Cao Bang - Ba Be Lake (B/L/D)
    • Aujourd'hui, nous quittons Quang Yen et traversons le col de Ma Phuc pour nous rendre au parc national de Ba Be. Une fois dans le parc, vous aurez le temps d'explorer ses nombreuses merveilles, notamment le lac lui-même, les grottes de Puong, les rapides de la cascade de Dau Dang et enfin la minuscule île de la Veuve située sur le lac.
      Nous séjournerons dans une maison sur pilotis traditionnelle Tay, chez une famille d'accueil locale.
      Off the beaten tracks North Vietnam
      Off the beaten tracks North Vietnam
  • Jour 8: Ba Be Lake - Hanoi (B/L)
    • Après le petit-déjeuner, nous vous emmènerons nous promener le long de la rivière pour visiter quelques villages environnants, puis nous ferons une randonnée jusqu'à l'un des points culminants autour du lac, offrant des vues impressionnantes sur les formations calcaires et les sommets montagneux.
      Ensuite, nous entrerons dans la grotte de Hua Ma, célèbre pour ses milliers de stalactites et de stalagmites, et également connue pour être la plus grande grotte sèche du nord-est du Vietnam. Après le déjeuner dans un restaurant local, il 1 sera malheureusement temps de retourner à Hanoi et de nous dire au revoir, en arrivant à votre hôtel vers 17h
      Où séjourner dans le Parc National de Ba Be
      Off the beaten tracks North Vietnam
      Off the beaten tracks North Vietnam

Code du voyage: DIS01D
Durée: 8 jours 7 nuits sur place
Destination: Hanoi – Sapa - Ha Giang - Dong Van - Cao Bang - Lac de Ba Be

5 average based on 14 reviews.

Traveler rating

Very Good

Wrote a review 9 - 2024
Northern Vietnam 8 day holiday- the best holiday with Long and Long as our guide and driver. Would highly recommend it.
Review of: Off the beaten tracks North Vietnam 8 days 7 nights
We had a fantastic guide and driver, Long and Long, for our holiday and we couldn’t have asked for more. Great scenery from Sapa to Hanoi through the mountains and valleys of the northern Vietnam region.
Date of experience: 0 0

Wrote a review 10 - 2023
wonderful days in North Vietnam
Review of: Off the beaten tracks North Vietnam 8 days 7 nights
We booked a tour for us & our 3 grown up children & partners for 8 days in North Vietnam.Together with Mr. Linh we set up a plan. Except some unclarity about the price after paying the advance payment, we were very satisfied. Our driver and especially our wonderful guide Mr. Long did a great job. Mr. Long was most attentive to all our desires and needs, and answered patiently our 1000 questions. We appreciate the long hours they spent with us in good humor and kindness. They dese...Read Morerve our warm recommendation Read Less
Date of experience: 10 2016
Mr Linh's Adventure
Mr Linh's Adventure
Thank you for your review and feedback, we appreciate you taking the time to write a review. It was a pleasure meeting you and we are happy that we could provide you and your family with the trip you desired. Here at Mr Linh’s Adventures we aim to create the perfect tour for everyone. We are glad that you enjoyed your trip and we will endeavour to minimise any confusion in the future. We are pleased to hear such positive comments about members of our team. We agree whole heartedly ...Read Moreand value to the passion and expert knowledge of all our team members. We will make sure to relay your kind words and gratitude. We hope to see you and your friends in Vietnam in the future and will always be on hand to ensure another unforgettable trip! Best Regards, Linh Read Less
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Wrote a review 4 - 2023
Fantastic North Vietnam Tour
Review of: Off the beaten tracks North Vietnam 8 days 7 nights
We chose the 7 night "Off the beaten track" tour of North Vietnam and had a great trip. We saw and experienced so much, and the whole experience was simply amazing.
We had a really good guide, Mr Long, his english skills, local knowledge, humour and kindness made our tour the absolute highlight of our trip to Vietnam.
There is a lot of driving on this trip, but the views make it worthwhile, and there's no other way to get to these places. Our driver Mr Thang w
...Read Moreas really safe and pleasant company (always smiling tho little english) and we always felt safe even on the windy mountain roads with vertiginous s!
The only change we would make if booking this trip again is that we would have two nights at Ba Be which was so gorgeous, and miss out Sapa (we found it too touristy). Read Less
Date of experience: 4 2023

Wrote a review 12 - 2023
Trip of a Lifetime!
Review of: Off the beaten tracks North Vietnam 8 days 7 nights
We did an 8 Day / 7 Night off the Beaten Track in North Vietnam Tour. We were disappointed that the cable car to Fansipan Mountain was closed for maintenance, but instead did Silver Waterfalls, Heaven Gate and Love Waterfall. We understand that this is out of their control and they are refunding us the difference in price. This was a private tour with Mr. Hai as our tour guide and Mr. Long as our driver. They were both amazing! We always felt safe with the driving and well cared for - go...Read Moreod explanations on the countryside and the local traditions. The scenery was beautiful - mountains, valleys, terraces and waterfalls. It was a good balance for the long drive with lots of walking tours in the mountains and the local villages. Dong Van, Ma Pi Leng Pass, the Sky Path, Ban Gioc Waterfalls and Ba Be Lake were all spectacular. The tour was well organized - thanks to Van Anh. Read Less
Date of experience: 11 2023

Wrote a review 5 - 2023
Amazing experience
Review of: Off the beaten tracks North Vietnam 8 days 7 nights
My husband and I wanted to explore the far North of Vietnam, immerse ourselves in the local culture and visit places where not many tourists would venture. That was certainly the case. We travelled many kilometres and saw the most stunning scenery along the way. Our guide Mr Long taught us so much about the Vietnamese culture and made sure we were looked after in the best way possible. Our driver Mr Bao made us feel like we were in the safest hands as he navigated up and down the steep m...Read Moreountain roads. We were privileged to go into and stay at local ethnic villages. .. 4 homestays in total. Two of them we had our separate rooms, and the other two were dormitory style with a curtain around. The rest of the stays were in hotels. Being older, I could not have stayed in homestays the whole time, as I do like my creature comforts!. We did lots of trekking through the villages and met the most beautiful people and the children were delightful. Mr Long always had an answer to any questions we asked. It is definitely one of the most memorable tours we have done and such a unique experience. Read Less
Date of experience: 5 2019
Mr Linh's Adventure
Mr Linh's Adventure
Dear Carol and Stephen, Thank you very much for your kind review, we are delighted to read you had a memorable experience in our beautiful Vietnam. Mr Long and Bao are both experts in their fields, you had an amazing team to look after you! The beauty of this country also lies with its people, so welcoming and endearing. Overnight in homestays is very beneficial for everyone, the locals get to share experiences with travelers, and the guests are offered a true insight of the Vietnamese w...Read Moreay of life. We hope to see you again someday! Kind regards, Mr Linh's Adventures Team Read Less
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Wrote a review 7 - 2023
Off the beaten track - Indeed
Review of: Off the beaten tracks North Vietnam 8 days 7 nights

Mr Linh’s excursion “Off the beaten tracks” is a trip appropriately named. Our summary of the excursion was excellent and as all life’s adventures, it did have some pros and cons.

The good stuff:
- A true deep and rich experience. Discover who the peoples of northern Vietnam are, how they live and work.
-Incredible topography and the opportunity to see it close up by hiking, boating, spelunking, and kayaking.
-A great gu
...Read Moreide ( Loi ) with flexibility to change the day instantly based on what our wishes and what was available to see that day. He adapted well with every change up request. He started everyday with a good plan and a smile.
-Our driver ( Lon ) who was safe, fun and always watching out for what he could do. He and Lon are a great team.
-Comfortable vehicle
-Homestay at Heavenly Homestay was five star. A unique cottage with opportunity to walk around the village and eat with the family. The balance was just right.
-Mr. Linh’s Homestay was very good for both location and comfort.
-Cathy at Mr Linh’s. She is a valuable resource for setting up excursions and even helping us with the visa application. Always timely in her communications. A star.

The misses
- Several long days in the vehicle. Although the actual distances between stops were not huge, it takes nearly the entire day to accomplish the travel on rough and serpentine roads. Two days were unbalanced as to time in the car vs activities.
- The hotel in Sapa missed the marked. It was a bit eerie - a 7 story hotel nearly empty.
- One of the three Homestays, the second Homestay of the trip was barely friendly in my opinion, It was authentic and primitive, for sure.
Overall we would conclude the excursion as a great experience and definitively met our goal of discovering northern Vietnam. Read Less
Date of experience: 7 2019
Mr Linh's Adventure
Mr Linh's Adventure
Dear BTrek5, Thank you very much for taking the time to send us a review. We are delighted to hear that your life adventure exceeded your expectations! You had a great team watching over you between Cathy, Loi and Lon, three true experts in this area. We have well-noted all your remarks, always useful for us to improve and help keep an eye on every detail. We're hoping to see you again someday, we may have new surprises by your next visit! Thank you, Mr Linh's Adventures
Written 0/0/0

Mariet E
Mariet E
Wrote a review 4 - 2023
Perfect match when visiting Vietnam
Review of: Off the beaten tracks North Vietnam 8 days 7 nights
The trip was amazing. Visited Ba Be National Park, Zuza National Park, Sapa and climbed Fansipan mountain. Every detail of this trip was perfect - always on time, reliable transport, experienced driver, knowledgeable guide Mr Long and supportive staff, clean homestays, warm food and a lot of cold beer!
Date of experience: 4 2023

Wrote a review 9 - 2023
Unforgettable experience in North Vietnam
Review of: Off the beaten tracks North Vietnam 8 days 7 nights
We are a family of 4 (kids 12 & 10) and took a private tour back in July 2022 (sorry it took me so long to submit the review!!). Our itinerary was bespoke and took us on a 7 day loop around the North, starting and ending in Hanoi. We visited Sa Pa, Lao Cai (incl Fansipan cable car which was spectacular) as well as trekking through valleys and villages, Ban Gioc falls and caves, finishing in Ba Be national park. We stayed in a mixture of hotels and homestays and from start to finish t...Read Morehe experience was unforgettable. Our guide Hai and driver Duy were amazing and looked after us throughout the trip, covering some significant distances on the road and always sharing interesting information about the local people and geography. An amazing experience for the whole family - Thank-you!! Read Less
Date of experience: 9 2023

Wrote a review 9 - 2023
Northern Vietnam 8 day holiday- the best holiday with Long and Long as our guide and driver. Would highly recommend it.
Review of: Off the beaten tracks North Vietnam 8 days 7 nights
We had a fantastic guide and driver , Long and Long, for our holiday and we couldn’t have asked for more. Great scenery from Sapa to Hanoi through the mountains and valleys of the northern Vietnam region.
Date of experience: 9 2023

Ella Bowler
Ella Bowler
Wrote a review 5 - 2023
Fantastic people and scenery
Review of: Off the beaten tracks North Vietnam 8 days 7 nights
I had a wonderful time on a bespoke tour with Mr Linh's Adventures. The driver and guide were very knowledgeable, friendly and warm. I enjoyed learning a lot about the culture of the ethnic minorities and trekking through beautiful and diverse landscapes.
Date of experience: 5 2022

Wrote a review 12 - 2023
8 days north Vietnam off the beaten tracks
Review of: Off the beaten tracks North Vietnam 8 days 7 nights
We have traveled with mr Linh’s adventure following a recommendation that we have found for this specific trip on the lonely planet

On the plus side : the trip was truly amazing , landscapes were magnificent and we had very nice interactions when staying at homestays. The one at mr Kim’s home stay was a one of a kind experience and the village is vey cute
The ban Gioc waterfall spectacle and boat tour in ba be lake we’re also highlights of the trip
...Read More
Mr Bao , our driver is very experienced and professional, it is needed when driving the particularly tricky roads in the north

On the minus side : the company changed the accommodation in sapa for a lower quality hotel after we paid which was not really a good starting point. They however suggested to re book us the next day on a better hotel but we preferred the home stay
the first day and night in sapa I found useless. The small trek around the village is a bit annoying and rather than getting to now the local communities as advertisers , we got chased to buy stuff for more than 30mn...

The hotel in cao bang is a bit creepy and would deserve to be changed

Lastly , and this is more on the mixed feeling side , our guide was very nice and helpful, very friendly. she did her best to make our trip better. it would have been perfect if her English level was better as I do believe it would have improved our Communication. Read Less
Date of experience: 12 2019

Wrote a review 3 - 2023
Adventure along North West Hanoi
Review of: Off the beaten tracks North Vietnam 8 days 7 nights
Our 8 days off beat trekking from village of valleys and mountains is truly fascinating and accompanied by Loi, the humorous, caring and attentive guide accompanied by safe driving driver Swee. .they have such patience too
Our trek and homestays are basis but very comfortable and always well fed with good meals especially efforts for the deliciously hotpot dinner and birthday treat celebration by entertainer Loi
We will and plan to organise a coming year for the golden harv
...Read Moreest on October for the golden harvest to North East Hanoi with Linh Adventure
Much interesting are interacting with the tribes and their custom and lifestyle which we learns much to treasure especially the classroom of happy children and teachers in local school
Yes, we recommend Mr Linh's Adventures and Guide Loi,who is expert on sweet potato dish Read Less
Date of experience: 3 2019

Wrote a review 12 - 2023
A trip to remember
Review of: Off the beaten tracks North Vietnam 8 days 7 nights
We were a group of 3 adults and a 13 year old. Our guide was Loi and our driver Long. We had an incredible experience on this trip. The sights, the people, the food were all awesome. There is a lot of driving on steep winding mountain roads but it is an off the beaten track tour and we were not disappointed because each day brought a new experience. We loved visiting Mrs Mai in the village where hemp is woven into material then dyed and used to make beautiful bags and other items. The tr...Read Moreek through the National Park was stunning and meeting the children at the school so special. There were so many highlights. We loved the homestays. Each different but the people were so welcoming. The food was just delicious and we felt very spoilt every day with what we were given. You need to be a bit adventurous for this tour but it is so very worth it. Read Less
Date of experience: 12 2018

Wrote a review 11 - 2023
Amazing journey of 8 days through the mountains of North-East Vietnam
Review of: Off the beaten tracks North Vietnam 8 days 7 nights
We started our journey with our guide Minh and our driver Long to the Ba Be lake where we stayed for two days. We did one fabulous trekking of 17 km through the mountaineous region around the lake. The second day we did some tough cycling and afterwards easy kayaking down the river. We also visited the amazing Dong Phuong cave. The next days was tiresome because of the many miles through North Vietnam. But it was worthwile due to the incredible scenery and the excellent driver Long in th...Read Moree comfortable car. We visited the waterfalls at the sino-vietnamese border and a cave on our way back to Cao Bang.
The trip to Dong Van was beautiful with the highlight of the Ma Pi Leng Pass. In the neighbourhood od Ha Giang we stayed at a Tay family. The people were very kind but we endured a hard night there. The next day we reached Bac Ha, where we visited the Night market. A nice folkloric performance on stage with singing ans dancing.
The last day started at the colourful morning market in Bac Ha and ended in Sa Pa where we also visited the Hmong village. That was to our opinion a bit too touristic, but maybe we were already a bit spoilt because of the many more authentic villages we saw earlier that week. During the whole trip Minh was our fantastic guide who provided very relevant information on all the aspects of the journey and furthermore he was very kind and helpful.
As a summary we can only cocnclude that if was e pleasure travelling with Mr. Linh Adventures. We recommend this 8 day- trip to anyone who wants to discover this unique part of Vietnam. Read Less
Date of experience: 11 2017
Mr Linh's Adventure
Mr Linh's Adventure
Dear Masambasin, I can feel that you’re fairly satisfied about this trip. We’re happy about that and really want to say thank to you anyway. I also appreciate your constructive feedback, concretely about the hard night in Tay family (in Ha Giang). However, we want take you to try a real local experence, this is a chance to learn more ethnic culture Vietnam. I must affirm that kayaking on Ba be Lake is a wonderful experience, so I hope that you love this activity, 17 km trekki...Read Moreng and cycling as well. Another destination in your journey is Ha Giang Province. Ha Giang is an unique place, for now still untouched by mass tourism. I’m sure that you saw a lot of fantastic mountain scenery over the whole area, a series of hills, valleys and villages and with the ethnic minorities (Hmong, Tay, Dao, Nung, Lo Lo, Giay, Pu Peo). Ma Pi Leng Pass is also very attractive, right? It’s probably one of the most beautiful roads you can experience in Vietnam. And do you know the majestic scenery and the wild beauty in Ma Pi Leng pass inspired several famous Vietnamese writers and poets to compose their writings. I’m imagining the scene like you’re singing and dancing with locals in the night market in Bac Ha. Let’s say to me that you did. That’s so wonderful because locals there are very very friendly and you’re welcomed as their close friends. This chance will help you to understand more about our colorful culture and our hospitality. About Sapa destination, that’s right when you say it’s too touristy, however compared to several the good points of Sapa, in my opinion, you still had the nice memories there, specially the authentic beauty preserved by the ethnic groups there. Right now, I must say that your review makes me impatient to come back Ha Giang left many unforgettable memories in my heart. Once again, thanks a lot Masambasin for your journey with Mr Linh’s Adventures. Best wishes, Mr Linh’s Adventures Team Read Less
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