Central Laos

Savannakhet Province
Overview Straddling the country in between its two bigger neighbours Thailand and Vietnam, Savannakhet is a bustling trade hub boasting the largest population out of any Laotian Province, with a whole 15% of the country residing here. The majority of its population are Lowland Lao, but also contains Tai Dam and Mon Khmer minorities, as well as people of Vietnamese and Chinese descent. A birds’ eye view of
Bolikhamsai & Khammuan Provinces
Overview Sparsely populated, Bolikhamsai and Khammuan Provinces offer a level of untouched natural glory that is rarely found elsewhere in Laos or indeed all of South East Asia. The land sedately climbs out of the Mekong river valley northwards and eastwards, and is positively littered with deep river caves and verdant jade-green jungles. Hemmed in by the Mekong River and Thailand to the west, and the Annamite
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